The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3700962
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Apr-15 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
" course all persecution is bad."
Then admit that it is a relgious one and not one of any specific religion - as a Christian (supposedly) you should have the courage to take on the sins committed by your Church - that should be the responsibility of all who decalre themselves Christian.
Instead, you have defended and denied the atrocities committed by both your own Church and those committed in the name of Judiaism.
Yoursis not a religious stance, it is a political one
"Ancient Christian communities" have been responsible for some of the worst crimes in history - your own Church (if you are, as you claim, Church of England, came into being so a debauched pox-riddled English King could get his leg over - which led to thousands upon thousands of non-conformists suffering torture and horrific death - is that a heritage you feel is worth protecting?
People whi are massacred and persecuted are not Christians or Catholics or Pertestants or Jews or Muslims.... - THEY ARE PEOPLE, and defending and lamenting one group while excusing, and eve siding with the persecution and massacre of others is an evil act
How dare you demand sympathy for your particular religious sect after the efforts you have made in supporting the persecution of others by a terrorist state?
It is little wonder that religion is in the sharp decline that it is if you are representative of what it has to offer.
The BBC reports the news - you use that news as a platform for your bigotry and hatred - your comparison is pathertic.
Jim Carroll