The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3700989
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Apr-15 - 06:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
How ****** dare you - they are ny family, my friends and neighbours - I grew up surrounded by Catholics and I live them on a daily basis
Many of them are "real Christians" - not the squalid plastic substitutes you represent.
Masny of them are far more condemnatory than I am of the Church because they and their children have suffered at the hands of Clerical abusers.
Lose an argument - what argument - you haven't put one up.
You have refused to respond to what I have said and you hide behind your newly assume#d piety to once again defend atrocities.
The poorest and most deprived people in the world are the ones still being exploited by the remnants of Empire in places like Pakistan and India - Marks ad Sparks and Primark are among those who continue to grow wealth on that exploitation.
Once again you make a case for poverty-stricken Christians, ignoring the Muslims and other religions being exploited and terrorised by "The Free West"
Exploited and terrorised people are people, it doesn't matter what religion they are.
One thing is certain, those in trouble because of religious terrorism will receive no welcome in Britain whan they find themselves forced to flee fighting that has been caused largely by the self-interested protectionism of the West, who carefully chose which despots to support and which to oppose.
Nobody deserves to die and you are welcome to present one example ofanybody ever suggesting such a thing on this forum
You are the most vociferous of the tiny handful of individuals who have ever supported state terrorism and mass murder.
Christians like you - I've never met one and I hope I never do
Jim Carroll