The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29300   Message #370346
Posted By: Peg
07-Jan-01 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: Brandi Blackbear
Subject: RE: Brandi Blackbear
ummm...I am sure you realized this after the fact, but...your comparison is a bit far-fetched.

Granted these situations are very complex...BUT:

how do two spoiled, anti-social punks, apparently ignored by their parents, who blow away their peers and themselves with illegal firearms compare to an exemplary student who is accused of CASTING A SPELL ON A TEACHER WHO FALLS ILL?

Come on.

Those bullets were pretty fucking real.

Accusing a student of casting a spell to cause illness is something straight out of the era of Cotton Mathers...

Brandi Blackbear wasn't in trouble when this happened. But imagine what she is going through NOW.

That is quite different from those two cretins who WERE in trouble; but no one cared enough to do anything about it (least of all their Yuppie preoccupied parents)

Last time I checked, not one Christian has ever been acused of harming someone with prayer (though more than one has done so with shotguns etc.), and last time I checked, spells and prayer work in pretty much the exact same way...