The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157045   Message #3704092
Posted By: akenaton
25-Apr-15 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: election uk
Subject: RE: BS: election uk
Don't be puzzled Team Musket, the SNP want INDEPENDENCE, the real policies will be brought forward after that is achieved .....and sorry, but LBGL "rights" will be far down the wish list.

They are of no relative importance other than as an electioneering gimmick, to keep the slavering media quiet.

On immigration we must start immediately on getting our young people off derisory benefits and into useful employment there is absolutely no reason why our own people cannot run our own public will be good for them and good for our nation.

Out of warmongering NATO, Out of the meddling EU. Removal of WMDs from our soil. Control of our borders and laws. Stand on our own feet, make our own mistakes and successes.

The SNP will use Westminster as a platform to obtain what they want.......we must fight fire WITH fire.