The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156862   Message #3704383
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
26-Apr-15 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Subject: RE: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
SRS: Thinking of you as I looked at the manual for the new TV - first ever - that R brought home (in the city. Have no idea how to get it to work. We are not getting cable or satellite so it has to be just plain. I will try again when I get back to the city.

I understood 15% vinegar is necessary for weeds. I had bought some on whidbey at a nursery but I do not remember using it!

I hear critters in the attic - right now! Probably raccoons. Darn!

I was going to go back to the city tonight but decided to stay. Student Ann is coming Tuesday am so I would need to come back tomorrow night.... Hope to get pots made tomorrow. And finish up some paper work - taxes and more. Maybe more sorting. Tuesday should be worm enough for outdoor work after Ann leaves. Maybe I can look for cabinets as well. YAY!!

Yesterday was a birthday for Rob: we had a nice BF, he repaired the switch on my wheel so I don't have to wear out my leg, we went to the country music event where we had goodies for lunch and I sang "my song" (the Frozen Logger - the only one to which I know all the words! Then found Geri and we went to supper then back here for choc mousse cake, Then I designed a K for the wee house - using the counters we have and hoping to find the right cabinets amongst the collection in storage here. We went over it together and R approved! He was researching mound septic systems - getting nervous palpitations as they seem to be complicated. About midnight we agreed that we would go to composting or incinolet toilet if our septic should fail. And a grey water system.

Today we de-cluttered in advance by not going to the auction! I tended to emails while R read. I also changed the sheets. I continually triage things to go to new house and to the city. Refilled supplements for next couple weeks.

The window manufacturing business is finally getting organized in the front end of the building and the wife stopped in to borrow sewing scissors. We agreed she would return them to exactly the same spot - and she did so. I was hoping to take her to meet Geri but - another time. They will be moving down to the area so I talked with her about that and gave her a local map. Also gave her tour of studio. She is an artist - paints nice pics.

A friend dropped by to wish R a happy B-day and we gave her a tour of the whole place. She helped R load a very heavy window and they left. I washed the dishes, heating water in the microwave as they had brought me two buckets of cold! Then went to supper with a few friends.

Scotch mist and due for some rain tonight and tomorrow. Not very energizing.