The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157045   Message #3704657
Posted By: Don Firth
27-Apr-15 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: election uk
Subject: RE: BS: election uk
The three dipshits dimwits I mentioned are examples of those who make excuses for being too lazy—or thick headed—to study the issues and get involved.

My representatives to Washington, D.C. from Washington State are Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, and the Congressional Representative from my legislative district is Jim McDermott. I helped on their campaigns, voted for them—AND keep a running check on what they do in Washington, D.C.. So far, I've been fairly satisfied with how they've done.

But I'm watching carefully.

It takes some effort and a bit of knowledge on my part. The kind of effort and knowledge that the aforementioned numbskulls are too squishy-brained and lazy to exert.

Don Firth