The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157075   Message #3705827
Posted By: wysiwyg
01-May-15 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Black lives matter - Freddie Gray
Subject: RE: BS: Black lives matter - Freddie Gray
Sorry- int4rrupton caused premature post submission, so continued--

Therefore when we talk about the System of Racism, if you are seeing Prejudice but not coupled with Power-- because a different group has the preponderance of the Power or it is shared among groups equally-- we would call that Prejudice... but not Racism, in the systemic sense.

MOST people now use "Racism" in the systemic sense, and "racist" as a descriptor for a person in the power group intentionally-- consciously-- using that power to maintain an unfair status quo, on the basis of perceived racial differnce/superiority.

But what most people HEAR when the word is used-- "racist"-- is more about prejudicial feelings, which most white folks deny having, because they really do have a good system of ethics, and the best intentions.
