The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157075   Message #3705831
Posted By: wysiwyg
01-May-15 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Black lives matter - Freddie Gray
Subject: RE: BS: Black lives matter - Freddie Gray
One of the problems with eliminating racism is that so many of its toxic messages come to us wrapped in the love we receive from (or bear for) our elders... a wrong note is harder to hear when we're feeling all warm and fuzzy. But deep inside us all, our hard-wired "taste buds" know right from wrong, if we reflect on what we've tasted.

I have a very good piece to post later to address the question about why US race stuff is so f*cked up-- describing the actual public policy underlying the warm/fuzzy stuff most US whites "learned" (and preach) about how wonderful "America" is as a land of "equality" and "opportunity." It's on my dead-battery fone, from which I will paste it later.
