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Thread #157126   Message #3706058
Posted By: Teribus
03-May-15 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: ISIS and the Seals/Green Berets in Texas
Subject: RE: BS: ISIS and the Seals/Green Berets in Texas
Isn't this a bit of a contradiction:

"5) .......What rammed that through was a real false flag operation collectively called 9/11."

"6) Special warfare troops are just very highly trained troops, they are not invincible. They are not only trained to infiltrate and fight, but they are also trained to think. Most of those troops are prepared to die for the US I think anyone would be hard-pressed to convince troops of their caliber that killing fellow Americans is a good thing to do."

For 9/11 to have been a "False Flag" Operation as you suggest there would have had to have been thousands, if not tens of thousands, of loyal US servicemen and women and public servants who must have all agreed with the decision that "killing fellow Americans is a good thing to do.". Then having seen the results of their handiwork over the course of nearly 14 years not one single perpetrator's conscience has troubled them in keeping their terrible secret - I find that rather amazing and to put it bluntly totally unbelievable.