The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29305   Message #370651
Posted By: little john cameron
07-Jan-01 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: When ah wis young
Subject: RE: When ah wis young
nearest ah could find is this
MALUM, s. In a ship with English officers and native crew, the mate is called malum sahib. The word is Ar. mu'allim, literally 'the Instructor,' and is properly applied to the pilot or sailing-master. The word may be compared, thus used, with our 'master' in the Navy. In regard to the first quotation we may observe that Nakhuda (see NACODA) is, rather than Mu'allim, 'the captain'; though its proper meaning is the owner of the ship; the two capacities of owner and skipper being doubtless often combined. The distinction of Mu'allim from Nakhuda accounts for the former title being assigned to the mate.