The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29353   Message #370709
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Jan-01 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: what's the difference between...?
Subject: RE: BS - what's the difference between.....
That flotsam and jetsam answer is fantastic! Hooray for Patrick O'Brien.

I read one of his books in which a small brig is being pursued by 3 French men-of-war. The captain of the British brig throws over every single one of his prized cannons, plus everything else he can think of in order to lighten the ship and escape...all to no avail...they finally catch up with him, and he is forced to surrender his ship, which he does, most regretfully. A fascinating incident.

Opposing captains and officers were treated quite chivalrously in those days once they had surrendered, getting to dine with the officers to whom they had surrendered, and socialize with them on a regular basis during the rest of the voyage.

As for the enlisted men, they were offered a chance to join the other navy, and sometimes did. If not, they were held prisoner until a prisoner exchange could be arranged.

The sailing ships were far more often captured than sunk. In many ways, their wars were more humane than has been the case in more recent historical times.

- LH