The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29355   Message #370710
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
08-Jan-01 - 12:59 AM
Thread Name: Early Maine music
Subject: RE: Early Maine music
There you are, Julia! Welcome aboard!

I hope you become a "regular" here. As you no doubt know, both Kendall and Naemanson were at the Chantey Sing with us recently.

Have you checked out the data-base yet? Have a ball!

I'll keep on top of this thread for a spell, as K and N both just educated me to sources I wasn't familiar with up 'till now.

Naemanson: is that IVES "Folk Songs of ME" album still in print? I'd like to get ahold of one if so - or a cassette backup for referance if not. What's the studio/label? Ditto on the books (sans tape, obviously).