The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29363   Message #370714
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
08-Jan-01 - 01:14 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Moon Song / Moon Man / Zoon Zoon
Subject: Lullaby; The MoonMan
Heard Jean Redpath sing this apparantly Celtic lullaby a long time ago and rather admired it - can't seem to find it on the DB and don't remember quite all or it though.

Starts out:

"Zoon, Zoon, cuddle and croon
out o're the wrinklin' sea;
The Moonman casts his silvery net,
Fashioned from moonbeams three.
And the tide rolls out
And the waves roll in;
Balmy the night winds blow;
And why that old Moonman still fishes the sea,
Only the Moonman knows."

The rest of the lyrics and guitar chords would be appreciated; I've got the tune pretty well in me head. It's a pretty one.
