The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30431 Message #3707390
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
07-May-15 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: What's the difference between calypso and reggae?
Subject: RE: What's the difference between calypso and reggae?
I'm surprised they're not on YouTube. I think they're historically important. Maybe I should digitize them and upload them.
Of course they're there :-) You just need to know the songs to look for. In terms of tracks by the Wailers that are totally in the style of U.S. r&b (doowop, etc), there are a few.
But remember why the Jamaican music industry mainly started: to provide the local market with the U.S. r&b style records that the sound systems had been playing. So they absolutely were emulating Motown, etc artists. In the first half of the 60s some Jamaican artists made recordings like the ones above, in full on 12/8 meter doowoppy style. An early example is this 1961 recording: My Heaven
After that, with the advent of the rocking' ska rhythm in 1964 (the remainder of the Wailers' early recordings), the US r&b/soul/whatever influence remained in the vocal part, but the accompanying rhythms were distinctly Jamaican.