The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157182   Message #3708126
Posted By: Gurney
11-May-15 - 05:33 AM
Thread Name: cleaning mouth organs
Subject: RE: cleaning mouth organs
Not working at all before, several reeds not vibrating. Stuck. Dead spots in the scale. And a single reed not working at all now, and the other reed in that note working only reluctantly now.
Notes are paired, top row and bottom row an octave apart. 48 is total, 24 x 2-note chords. Don't know the type name.

You will have gathered that it is not my primary, or even my secondary instrument. The harp just sits on my chairside table with the printing fading on its plastic covers awaiting my pleasure, and gets played only when the cat is outside.
The animal looks at me in horror, then runs, when I play free-reed, but doesn't bother much about the guitar, and sleeps through gunfights on the TV. No accounting for taste. We adopted her when a friend, her staff, died. He had the TV on about 16hrs a day, and only liked Jazz.
As you say, Steve, it was inexpensive, an impulse buy, about a hours pay. But working on it is just sitting in my easy chair using a jeweller's screwdriver. And it is an acceptable instrument for what I'm doing with it.