The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157044   Message #3709383
Posted By: Steve Gardham
16-May-15 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Barbara Allen
Subject: RE: Origins: Barbara Allen
You seem to be losing the plot here.
Look more closely at what I wrote. I neither said there or even implied that a broadside was the original. I merely said that the pre-1800 versions don't have the plant refrains. If you have proof contrary to that let's see it!

(why on earth should Motherwell, Jamieson and Scott "regret" what they did and why should Buchan have to "show regret"?)
All 3 of them were increasingly aware of the folkloristic approach being preferable to the creative approach. Motherwell even went to great lengths to postulate the scientific approach in 'Minstrelsy' despite the fact that he included work of his own, and Child points this out. The fact is they DID regret what they did. It was indeed a great issue in the first half of the 19th century, otherwise why would Motherwell have gone to such great lengths to put forward his proposals?

CONTROVERSY (which is still the case). Jim, all you have presented us with so far is people who tried to defend him from wayback. I ask you again, who do you know who has studied PB's works currently who still thinks there is a controversy?

Keith, by the way, was in Walker's pocket. All Keith did was edit what Walker told him to do.