The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29331   Message #370994
Posted By: The Walrus at work
08-Jan-01 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: Secret Clique:How Many LeftHanded MCers?
Subject: RE: Secret Clique:How Many LeftHanded MCers?
I seem to fall into the same class as a number of the group here, I write and carry out "precision" work with my left hand, but, like everyone else here I live in a right hand dominant world and so adapted to using much of the equipment (optical microscopes, SEMs, some test machines etc). I shoot a rifle right handed (because that's how it was drummed into me) but I used to shoot pistol (when it was legal here)left handed and when I used to fence (many, many years ago) I could use either hand equally badly. Instruments, I tend to play right handed because that's how I was taught.

A question for those in this thread, how do you write? Down the page holding the pen "normally" ?(whatever that means)Or do you hold the paper square and write "crab"?(wrist heavily bent, pen pointing towards you). I'm a "downer".

Good luck

Walrus (who is thinking of learning Arabic, Hebrew or Urdu, just to have an advantage over the others in writing write to left)