The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157262   Message #3710583
Posted By: Will Fly
21-May-15 - 08:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Devils Arse and other big holes
Subject: BS: The Devils Arse and other big holes
I'm up in Castleton in the Derbyshire Peaks (UK) at the moment - having a bit of a break - and, naturally, I had to go into at least one of the limestone caverns clustered around the village. Closest to me is the Peak Cavern, known for hundreds of years as "The Devils Arse" because of the loud farting noise it makes as floodwater recedes from the cavern. I may go to the Treak Cavern this afternoon, home of the world's only deposit of the beautiful BlueJohn stone - or I may bugger up my hips and climb up to Peveril Castle (did Mam Tor in 45mph winds yesterday) - or I may just stay here in the pub with a pint of bitter.

Over the years I've been lowered into Gaping Ghyll in the Yorkshire Dales, been taken by boat through Le Gouffre de Padirac in the Dordogne, and by boar through the cave system in Postojna, Croatia. All fascinating - and all guaranteed to make me avoid potholing like the devil!

I'd be curious to know what other cave systems 'Catters have visited.