The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156862   Message #3710796
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
21-May-15 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Subject: RE: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Exciting times, Michelle!

Not wanting a reprise of yesterday, I dealt with a few details/emails and phoned a woman about a screen door. She had not put a measurement! We had a nice chat and then she phoned back and said it was my size so I headed for Lancaster, Ontario - about an hour. Well, except for construction! So I phoned from the first service centre and told her I would not make it before she had to leave. She said she would leave it out back and if I liked it I could leave the $20 in the "red mail box by the back door".

No longer in a rush, I had a talk with a nice young woman in the Ontario Tourism part of the centre, telling her about Bancroft and the Gemboree, adding to her knowledge of the area. Picked up a few pieces of info. Then on to Lancaster and an ATM and bought rope, went to the address where Fern's husband was cutting the blooms off the rhubarb. He helped put the door on the roof and left me alone to tie it on - my way - commenting that "you have moved a few things". It is a ratty old wood door but interesting and will do the job.   

Then back to Quebec and the mill where I unloaded and sorted, watered plants - the bucket I left on the front step was full of water- and looked for clock works - I have a bunch and plan to make a couple clocks but needed to know the size hole I needed to make before firing. Finally found them after looking through everything several times - right there!

Loaded the kiln then discovered I had neglected to put handles on the 4 teapots! Also had forgotten to load them into kiln or I would have discovered it sooner! So I wrapped them in wet towels to re-dampen them so I can put on handles tomorrow. There will be enough pots for a second bisque firing. I redeemed myself by throwing some salad bowl sized bowls and a couple mid sized. Finished before 6, started the kiln, and came back to city to watch Big Bang x3 tonight! and delete emails, etc. Well pleased with a productive day.

A beautiful day, too.

R just phoned. He is running out of gas somewhere in the Laurentians! With any luck he will make it to Lachute - AND get something to eat! He went north on a road instead of south! He is towing a Subaru Outback someone gave him. Hope it is worth it! I thought he was doing that this morning - but best laid plans...

Yesterday, two of his guys dismantled a 10x13 garden shed - the one we bought for $100 and a mug! It cost $340 in labour to take it apart and is now ensconced on a flatbed trailer to be towed to Bancroft by a gas-guzzling flat bed truck (de-clutter the wallet) - loaded with a fridge and K cabinets, sofa, love seat, and... whatever will fit - when R has time to make the trip. In other words- moving clutter from the mill to beaver haven! HMMMMMM???? It's rather nice with only 3 lawn chairs, 2 TV tables and a bed!

Good news - R has found gas and is on his way. I am SO glad I do not have to go fetch gas for him - wandering around the Laurentians in the dark is NOT my idea of anything to do.