The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157281   Message #3711353
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-May-15 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: All changed, changed utterly.
Subject: RE: BS: All changed, changed utterly.
"The fact that gay marriage won this referendum by a vast majority, should not herald a new oppression of those who profess religious beliefs."
Drink to that any time, but, as I have said over and over again in these arguments - my problem has never been with believers, who include family, friends and neighbours, but those who would exploit those beliefs for power and influence - ie, the Churches
I get tired of being misrepresented as being against people believing in god - any god - what the believe is entirely their own business, as is what I believe.
There was an incredible smugness in the statement "welcome to the 21st century" especially as it is the efforts of the church in Ireland that has kept the country rooted in the past
The Catholic Church as a body remains opposed to contraception and family planning, divorce, pregnancy termination, homosexuality and the role of women in society - in most cases, it is greatly at odds with its own believers.
It took the mass rape of children by clerics to break the grip of the church in Ireland, yet the church is still fighting tooth-and-nail to retain its right to educate children here - utterly grotesque!
If Ireland has remained in the past, it is the influence of the Christian church that has kept it there.
If that is to change, the the church's role has to be confined to spiritual guidance only (and that, only under careful supervision).
The significance of the Gay Marriage vote is that it was 'the people's choice' - as Government minister Leo Varadkar described it, 'a social revolution".
It was a decision taken in the face of fierce opposition from the church.
Ireland is the only country in the world to have accepted Gay Marriage by referendum - something to be proud of.
Jim Carroll