The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1002   Message #3711477
Posted By: GUEST,Susan Anderson
24-May-15 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Peace of the River (G Gosling, V Wood)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Peace of the River (G Gosling, V Wood)
I am the daughter of Glendora Gosling who wrote the words to "Peace", sometimes called "Peace I Ask of Thee O River". She was in her 20s back in the late 1920s when she wrote it. She was on a Girl Scout training course for camp counselors on the Kentucky River when she wrote the words. Viola Wood, who wrote the music, was also on the same boat trip.
I was in church this morning when the choir sang the Gwyneth Walter arrangement. It was referred to as a "Traditional American Folk Song. I believe my mother gave the copyright to the Girl Scouts so they should be getting some compensation for the use of the song but the copyright may have expired.