The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39187   Message #3712686
Posted By: GUEST,Carl in Vermont
29-May-15 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: Les Chansons de la France
Subject: La Guignolee/La Guiannee /La Guillannee, &c.
Haven't been able to find the lyrics, anybody have 'em at their fingertips?

Read French mediocrely, speak it worse, understand it less than that when spoken or sung, unless I already know what's being said/sung; wherefore I require some printed words, and they seem to be scarce on the net.

Just discovered Dennis & Jennifer Stroughmatt on YouTube, had run into The Mardi Gras Song before, but never La Guillannée. Still halfway high from their version of Chavaliers de la Table Ronde - ~that~ I could understand because I knew it already - gotta take that Cajuned-up tune to the handful of francophone enthusiasts at the jam I go to. But I want La Guignolée too.