The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157281   Message #3712875
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-May-15 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: All changed, changed utterly.
Subject: RE: BS: All changed, changed utterly.
"all based on "Christian" teaching and "Christian" ethics "
I went to a Church of England School, where Religious Education consisted of singing hymns in the morning assembly - no bible lessons, no Christian philosophy classes - just hymns and prayers.
In the Secondary Modern System where I received my education, the main aim wass to turn out factory workers
I was told a few months before leaving (by a maths teacher) that all I needed to know when I left school was to tot up my pay packet at the end of the week.
The Christian ethics I received was that the British Empire was great, that God was good and and those who didn't worship him (not her, you notice) were bad people to be pitied and were damned.
Thank you for making my day with your fine display of Christian arrogance - almost a caricature.
A reminder of how religion works with children.
Jesuit motto:
"Give me a child unitil he is seven and I will give you the man"
The Jesuits were renowned by my Catholic educated mates for beating the shit into children - a truly brutal crowd - lots of 'goodness' there.
Jim Carroll