The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156862   Message #3713292
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
30-May-15 - 11:34 PM
Thread Name: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Subject: RE: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Beaver Haven:

Managed to get the little wardrobe to house! I thought it would fit in the car and asked if there were people who could carry it out. They did but it did not fit so I asked them to just leave it outside while I sought a truck. There was a truck and trailer in the parking lot and I had seen the driver go to the restaurant so I started across to see if he would be willing to help - whoever he was! However, someone shouted. The husband of the manager said he would help so they loaded it on his truck and he followed me out to the house and we managed to get it inside. It was not TOO heavy! We had a little chat about mutual acquaintances and he went on his way with my great thanks. It will be quite nice when I put a fabric on the doors - where there were once mirrors.

I started out this day with a trip to the Farmers' Market, walking around touching base with everyone and purchased a loaf of cranberry orange bread for R. Stopped at a friend's art gallery/ junk shop and she had a sturdy card table for $5! I need one or two more for next week''s market. And bought two books at another friend's yard sale - a Norman Doidge, the brain that changes itself.

Went up the hill to my friend's BIG greenhouse for the first time and had visit between customers. Numerous visits with friends around town and out to the auction house - auction over but nice chat with the auctioneer, catching up and discussing the sad state of the local Chamber. This is becoming a strong letter to the editor, with encouragement. Need to talk to a few more people.

Lunch about 3 at my fav restaurant - but a bad choice of food! Good pea soup and Jim's delicious home fries; I had to take a nap when I got home! But it sufficed for supper. After my nap, I managed to plant two dahlias, 3 geranium and a tiny tomato plant, and pick some rhubarb. Then the bugs chased me indoors. A few came in with me but they have been eliminated. I managed to finish the "7 day" book from the library so I can return it tomorrow before I head back to Montreal. Now it is bedtime!

In spite of 15 year absence, I am totally a part of this community, finding ways to be useful, supportive.