The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156862   Message #3713395
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
31-May-15 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Subject: RE: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Sounds like you're on your way, Tami, and it's excellent to run into someone who knows exactly what you propose as far as the exercise and shoe needs.

The rain seems finally to have stopped the daily torrential storms and now I need to get back into my mowing fitness routine. I can mow four times a week - twice in the front, twice in the back - for a good cardio workout. It'll be heavy lifting at first because the grass is so tall, and if it stays hot and dry like a normal summer, it drops back to once a week in each yard, then to just trimming edges near the garden (that gets watered regularly) until the fall rains.

The kitchen is clean, the laundry is finished, and now I'm going to stagger my activity. Paint the bathroom ceiling, then let it dry for a while as I mow out front. Come in to do a second coat on the walls, then take the weed whacker out front and get control of some areas that have gone untended for weeks. Repeat.