The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156862   Message #3714912
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
06-Jun-15 - 11:50 PM
Thread Name: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Subject: RE: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Beaver Haven:

Sent the article to R.

Sold nothing at the Market today but had a nice time visiting. Then to grocery for good bread and ice for the cooler. Deposited same appropriately and visited at art gallery. Visited my friend up the road and she gave me a notice about the Public Open House re the proposed Quarry ---- which would be just up the road between here and her home. They only want to take out one million tons a year! And quarry "below the water table".

Went to Thrift Warehouse and checked the auction. The other bidder on the pic we want for Maynooth had raised it to $125. (An original painting of a building that burned some years ago and the newspaper article about the fire.)   I conferred with the staff about when it really ends and finally got clear answer - today at closing. So I stayed until 5 pm and raised it to $130 so we have our pic. I could not reach the woman in charge of our operation so went ahead on my own. I got a voice mail from someone that she was too sick to talk!

Came home and had supper and read as had no signal - until a few minutes ago. Phoned R and read him the notice. He checked on his phone and called back but no new info. He plans to check on the consultant, may phone them to get more info. We knew this was in the works but hope the neighbours will get together and fight it. The effect on the water table and the effect of dust on public health are major considerations. This is tough in a small community where people involved are neighbours and, often, friends. I hope it does not become nasty.

Past bedtime!