The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157386   Message #3714957
Posted By: GUEST,Dave
07-Jun-15 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: Still wondering what's folk these days?
Subject: RE: Still wondering what's folk these days?
There is a thread here on Blow the Wind Southerly, and it seems to be a traditional Northumberland song, although there is a possible attribution of authorship to John Stobbs (some time in the 19th century). I think if it had not been for Kathleen Ferrier's recording it would have been an occasional part of the repertoire of folk singers particularly in that area. However the popularity of Kathleen Ferrier in the dark years after the war, the shock of her early death (her illness had been kept secret), and the fact that this particular song became her signature tune meant that it came to the attention of a much wider audience than those normally interested in folk music. Not that I remember, I was 5 months old when she died, it was on my parent's generation that this had a great impact. And I suspect that there was far less impact outside the UK.

Hence, when you type the song name into a search engine, or Youtube, you find little else.