The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156862   Message #3716196
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
12-Jun-15 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Subject: RE: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Beaver Haven:

This wee house is 20 feet from the road and VERY visible. The windows we want to add will be very visible also. It will be a while yet. R, of course, is not concerned. It also occurs to me that the interior work can be done invisibly and we might save enough - not getting a permit for that work - to pay the fine if it coms to that. The windows and garden shed will be very visible.

Another rainy day and cool enough for a fire in the stove - or go back to bed with a book! I have chosen the fire and the possibility of making some pots right here in the LR! The floor is still chipboard so... And I am fairly tidy, not spilling much water or clay. Of course, i managed to upset a half bucket of water in the K a couple days ago. Stood there wondering where I had but the sponge mop. Oh, well. Dry now. The water went somewhere.

Comfrey can become a weed in warm climates. My gardening friend in PA has at least a hundred feet of plants about 3 feet apart. And more all the time! Mine are humungous - over 3 feet tall and about that in diameter. Next spring there will be a clean out! I need to make a printout of the benefits to go with the plants. Next trip I WILL bring a printer for here. That was the purpose of the new one but I looked at it as I left the city this time and thought, "not this time". Mistake. Need another tV table as there is no place to put it. I'll run out to the Thrift Warehouse later this am.

Fire is perking so I NEED to wash inside of this back window and set up wheel. Get to work!