The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40474   Message #3716661
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
14-Jun-15 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Click Go the Shears
Subject: LYR ADD - Kinly Stick - 2 versions
Scocha and The Joe Mangels sing Kinly Stick

Kinly Stick lyrics


In the big room at Barclays, the auld stick hei stands
Graspin' yon' bellrope, wi' cauld shakin' hands
Ask why hei lingers, and sadly hei'll tell
Hei hesnae got a copper so hei darnae ring the bell

Heather Jock enters, while Kinly yet grieves
Hei stands there an' hei gazes, a' in his serk sleeves
Stick hails him wi' a shout which nae other could excel
And Heather's brief response was, "Man! Kinly ring the bell"


Ring the bell Kinly
Ring ring the bell
Heather Jock's approaching
Wi' glad news tae tell
Hei's pawned his upper garment
They say he has done well
So ring the bell Kinly Stick
Kinly ring the bell

"Half a gill for twae", then Heather bold did cry
"Drink and be off", was the landlord's quick reply
Then Heather he did quaff the half gill tae himsel'
And left pair Kinly not a drop, though hei did ring the bell

"O' Heather that's unfair", the stick did wildly cry
"A' drank eet" quoth Heather, "Aw man bit a' was dry"
"Bit guin ye' come wi' mei, and ma' serk a wull sell
And suin we'll baith gaun back again and ring, ring the bell"


Doon throw' the Sandbed the pair they did go
Streight tae yon pawnshop that's kept by Milmoe
But the serk it was sae bad, that it really wadnae sell
So they never did gaun back again tae ring the bluidy bell

Chorus x 2


another version from Harwick in Song & Poetry

Ye Ballad of Ye Kinly stick.

In the back room at Barclay's, the Auld Stick he stands
Grasping the bell-rope with his auld shaky hands,
Ask why he lingers and sadly he'll tell,
He hasna got a copper, so he daurna ring the bell.


Ring the bell, Kinly, ring, ring, ring!
Heather Jock's approaching the good news to bring,
He's pawn'd his upper garment they say he has done well,
Ring the bell, Kinly Stick, Kinly ring the bell.

Heather Jock enters (while Kinly yet grieves),
He stands and he gazes all in his shirt s'eeves;
Stick hails him with a shout, which no other could excel,
And Heather's brief response was— "Stick, ring the bell."


"Half-a-gill for the twae," then Heather bold did cry;
"Drink and be off," was the landlord's quick reply;
Then Heather he did quaff the half-gill to himsel',
And left the Kinly not a drop though he did ring the be1l."


"Oh! Heather, that's unfair," the Suck did wi1dly cry,
"A' drank it," quoth Heather, because that I was dry,
But gin you'll come wi' me, my sark I wil1 sell,
And sune we'll baith come back agaia and ring, ring the bell."


Then through the Sandbed the pair they did go,
Streicht to the pawnshop that's kept by Milmoe;
But the sark it was sae bad, it really wad' na' sell,
And they never could gang back again to ring, ring the bell.
