The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56594   Message #3717049
Posted By: Don Firth
16-Jun-15 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: Garrison Keillor the bad singer who ..
Subject: RE: Garrison Keillor the bad singer who ..
Plenty of taste and intelligence, Guest. But I'm selective about what I listen to, and I'm willing to make allowances, depending.

Folks suffering from "the princess and the pea syndrome" let anything bother them, no matter how slight and often go looking for things to whine about. They seem to think that being hypercritical makes them "refined."

Don Firth

P. S. I do, however, draw the line when I'm singing a four hundred year old narrative ballad with a carefully worked out lute-style accompaniment on the guitar and some nitwit tries to accompany me on the bongos....