The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142642   Message #3718999
Posted By: EBarnacle
25-Jun-15 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: Books: Whatcha readin lately?
Subject: RE: Books: Whatcha readin lately?
If you read the "Dragon Tattoo" series read them in order. The beginnings don't make sense otherwise.

There is a biology [two book series] by Jones about The Plantagenets and The Tudors. Both quite readable.

Try to find Shakespeare of London, long out of print but good readable research.

Studying Merchant of Venice as I have a part in a local production. It's amazing how many puns and zingers he built into his writing.

Currently 2/3 of the way through volume 2 of Shelby Foote's Civil War trilogy.   Quite readable.

A friend referred me to Macomber's series of nautical adventures. Currently waiting for the last 5 books to arrive. {Pineapple Press]

Studying Songs of the Sea Kings as we are working up a production for Hokule'a's visit next year during her 'round the world voyage.

It is such a pleasure to study because you want to.

PS, Fagels' translations of the various classics are really worth the read.