The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157589   Message #3720205
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
01-Jul-15 - 06:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Beach massacre in Tunisia
Subject: RE: BS: Beach massacre in Tunisia
Assad was no better or worse than other Arab dictators.

We did intervene in Libya, we did not in Syria.
The outcome was the same. Islamists exploit the weakened state.

IS is mostly engaged with killing Shia Muslims.
That war has been going on for centuries.

We will never agree on the history, so let's consider what to do in the future.

Why are Arab states, who always object to Western interference, happy to let US and UK fly most of the airstrikes against ISIS.

Guardian 22 hours ago,

"For it is Muslims who are the biggest victims of Isis. They fight the jihadists in Syria, Iraq and Libya, and it is they who hourly die brutal deaths at the hands of Isis. The soul-searching of Muslims in the UK and beyond is now at fever pitch – the question they ask constantly is: what more can they do?"

The writer does not address the issue of the estimated 700 UK Muslims who have gone to fight FOR IS.