The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157574   Message #3720222
Posted By: The Sandman
01-Jul-15 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Greece in meltdown? What do you think?
Subject: RE: BS: Greece in meltdown? What do you think?
another article in the irish times at the weekend stressed the importance of greece to the west in a geopolitical sense, as regards nato, and as regards it being the last european stat bordering on the islamic region, then there are150 thousand dul greek ukranians citizens living in the conflict area of eastern ukraine ,then there is energy, russia is planning a pipelineto transport its gas across the black sea through turkey,greece would like to be its next stop, greece controls transit between mediterranean and black sea and the us military base in crete has played a key role in nato interventions in the middle east.i am guessing the us will not allow greece to leave i reckon pressure will be put on europe to be more accomodating towards greece