The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157589   Message #3720522
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-Jul-15 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Beach massacre in Tunisia
Subject: RE: BS: Beach massacre in Tunisia
"Jim, I have looked through you posts on this thread and agree."
Do not accuse me of it again - it is the type of thing that gets threads closed and you certainly indulge in it yourself
"I posted the Daily Mirror quote to show that there had been such a suggestion."
That report, as I have pointed out, was produced by somebody who is paid to say that sort of thing.
I'm quite sure any rag is capable of producing that sort of garbage.
This is about killing human beings - not 'our own'
Which leaves the rest of your claims hanging.
The idea that young Muslims are taking their cue from the internet is both stupid and dangerous.
Unless the root causes of the rise of Isis are dealt with honestly, they will continue to make the running.
Isis is not a fad - it is the horrific consequence of the cynical nature of The Great Powers to have their own favourite terrorists and to indulge in terrorism themselves when it suits.
Jim Carroll