The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29425   Message #372062
Posted By: KingBrilliant
10-Jan-01 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: help: microphone technique?
Subject: help: microphone technique?
Hi all.
I am going with a friend to an 'open mic' thingy tonight, and am panicking because I've never sung amplified before. Does anyone have any advice for me (please). I have a loud voice and am worried that it will go all distorted & horrible. How far should I be from the mic? And should I sing quietly rather than loudly? I've convinced Mark to come along so that he can give me some feedback afterwards (not the electronic kind :) ), but some advice in advance would be extremely welcome.
We'll be singing 'Clear Day' (Rab Noakes?) which is one of those boy-sings then girl-sings duet things [my friend's voice is not as loud as mine so I'm also worried that we'll sound unbalanced), and then I'll be singing 'Will You' (Hazel O'connor). We'll have plugged in guitars as well. Its a pub venue, where there might be a fair amount of noise in the room.
Any advice gratefully received..