The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157574   Message #3720694
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Jul-15 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Greece in meltdown? What do you think?
Subject: RE: BS: Greece in meltdown? What do you think?
"Classical"austerity - is there any other kind?
" As for the colonels, they already have plenty of those, unashamedly flattered by Tsipras and his right-wing echo!"
Where - or is this to be left as my question on the left's disillusionment with the present government - unanswered.
I looked at your message 01 Jul 15 - 08:41 AM - it really says nothing other than "pay your debts" - austerity will follow as night follows day.
The rightist policy in Greece is austerity and a new election (having lost the last one) putting 'democracy' in Greece in the hands of the European right-wing - fine, if you are in favour of that sort of thing.
Still no comment of financing France and Germany - ah well!!
Jim Carroll