The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157650   Message #3722100
Posted By: SPB-Cooperator
08-Jul-15 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Red Rags and Bulls-London Tube shutdown
Subject: BS: Red Rags and Bulls
London is currently in the midst of a total shutdown of its tube system due to industrial action by all the unions at the same time.

I am not going to go into the merits or otherwise of the action, but what does grate with me is that while I was on a bus tonight an inspect had the audacity to check my travel card.

Bearing in mind the stress that transport users are going through, in my view allowing revenue inspectors to work when the transport service is incapable of providing its services comes across at insensitive and borders on neo-nazi style contempt for the people who pay their wages. If someone hasn't paid their fare these people wouldn't think twice about, and would probably get their jollies from hauling people over the coals, but are also the foist to start whining when they are critised for depriving people on low incomes the means to get to work.