The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157688   Message #3723198
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
13-Jul-15 - 02:54 AM
Thread Name: CANCELLED_July PressRoom (NH) Shanty Sing
Subject: RE: CANCELLED_July PressRoom(NH)ShantySing
Tami - have a bit of fun with the Redfern Shanty Club

The Dock is a small bar in inner Sydney, home to a fantastic shanty session on Monday nights where 45 mainly under 30's cram into a small shop converted to a bar & sing for 2 hours. A couple of members of the Roaring Forties & a few other oldies attend & a great time is had.

here they are live
Redfern Shanty Club on Reverbnation The videos do not do them (us!) justice.

What I love about the session is the young voices, mainly male roaring away with fantastic harmonies & the place packed with singers almost elbow to elbow. I wasn't there on the nights before they remembered the fire regulations when 75 singers crammed into a bar licenced for 45. The leader introduce the shanty (& shanty is a very loose definition) by singing the chorus line by line with the singers following. A few repeats of the chorus & off we go!

A lot of the singers are still at University, several are comedians &/or actors with good voice projection & a number of them are songwriters, they are an amazing group of people & I love being there. I'd love to introduce several of their songs to the shanty community.

sandra (off to Shanty night)