The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157638   Message #3723231
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-Jul-15 - 05:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Church V State
Subject: RE: BS: Church V State
I'm going off half-cock here, but one of my favourite church "insides" is Paddy's Wigwam in Liverpool. The circular layout feels very inclusive (not that I particularly wish to be "included", mind!), and the light coming in through the coloured windows on a sunshiny day is stunning. Not quite so taken with the wacky outside though! Salisbury is stunningly beautiful from outside. I didn't respond quite so positively to the inside, but then I love to let my subjectivity completely take me over on such occasions. The bishop is an old but now long-lost friend of ours. In June we saw the most beautiful little chapel we've ever seen, La Madonna Della Rocca near Taormina in Sicily, with its natural cave ceiling. Absolutely nothing to see from the outside, mind.