The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29388   Message #372325
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
10-Jan-01 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oh, Them Good Ole Days...
Subject: RE: BS: Oh, Them Good Ole Days...
All of us were born in another century! It only recently occurred to me that that is one way in which I'm different from my parents' generation, who were born, lived and died in the Twentieth Century. Well, most of them.

The shame is, when we change, we dump most of the good stuff along with the bad stuff, and replace it with bad stuff as well as some that we hope will turn out to be good stuff. If we could keep the good stuff, and eplace thye bad stuff with new good stuff, that would be how it should be.

That's what folk music is all about really, I think.

Of course the question is how much of Amos's list was good stuffthat we've thrown away - quite a lot I'd say.

And as for mousethief's list of bad stuff - well, quite a lot of it we've still got with us, a lot of it tucked away in places out of sight, maybe in other countries where the same kind of people can still get away with it. And the profit still comes home to people in our own countries, at the end of the day.