The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157638   Message #3723484
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
14-Jul-15 - 05:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Church V State
Subject: RE: BS: Church V State
The great cathedrals and friaries were built by the sweated labour of artisan peasants, not by any particular faith

I would think the sweated labour was of the architects, master masons, carpenters & labourers of a very particular faith and directed to the very particular purpose of the Church / State situation they were working for. There are hints of other influences - the 12th century Galilee Chapel of Durham Cathedral has very definite Islamic touches - but the dedication is most assuredly Catholic. Even the artisan peasants who did the grafting would have known only too well which side of their daily bread was buttered.

I'm inclined to agree with Raggytash when he says Stunning way to frighten the masses.. Even now we might look at Durham Cathedral (from as far away as ten miles as I recall from North Durham!) and shudder at its absolute dominance of the landscape. On the country boundary signs it says Country Durham - Land of the Prince Bishops - church & state in one chilling absolute authority dedicated utterly, and ruthlessly, to the upholding of the power structures that were integral to The One True Faith.