The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73634   Message #3724132
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Jul-15 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Waxies Dargle
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Waxies Dargle
"So what's a dargle"
From the indispensable 'Slanguage, a dictionary of Irish slang, by Bernard Share
Jim Carroll
WAXY [n., Also as in WAXIES' DARGLE [nickname, c.1890—]. Annual gathering at Irishtown Green, near Ringsend. N.d. Pop. ballad: 'Says my oul' wan [q.v.] to your oul' wan,/Will you come to the Waxie's Dargle?/Says your oul' wan to my oul' wan,/"Sure I haven't got a fardel [see FARDEL 1.].'" 1922 James Joyce, Ulysses: '"Two old Dublin women on the top of Nelson's pillar..."That's new," Myles Crawford said. "That's copy. Out for.the waxies' Dargle. Two old trickies [q.v.], what?'" 1936 Irish Times, 25 Mar: 'At that time [late Cl9] the Dargle in Wicklow was, if possible, more popular as a holiday resort...than it is at present, and "Dargle" has passed into popular speech as synonymous with "holiday resort". In Dublin slang of the period a cobbler was known as a "waxy". Not being able to get as far away from town on their days off as the better-class Dubliners...they had to be content with a run to Irishtown and Merrion sands.' 1981 Brendan Behan, After the Wake: "'Why can't you write about something natural? Like the time we all fell into the water at the Waxie's Dargle.'"