The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157739   Message #3724796
Posted By: MGM·Lion
19-Jul-15 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Queen Mother
Subject: RE: BS: Queen Mother
Well, achmelmevitch, hope you enjoy your good-part-of-every day lucubrations of despair at how most other members of this democracy in which you find yourself living happen to have different ideas from yours about how they choose to be governed. But, there, that's the trouble about living in a democracy, innit? If the ones elected don't suit your rarefied ideas, you just have to swallow the fact & live with it, mate. Or else go somewhere where they might have a system you might prefer.
If you can find any such...

Now, back to my stupor of not realising how grievously oppressed I am being by this 1% you perceive.

1% of what, precisely, BTW? And how did they get into this iniquitous position of elite ruling the other 99%?

Just asking...
