The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157739   Message #3724881
Posted By: Steve Shaw
19-Jul-15 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Queen Mother
Subject: RE: BS: Queen Mother
Don't let Michael get to you, Backwoodsman. He's yesterday's man personified, lacking only a good nurse.

Here's the thing about the royals, stuff you need to consider before you decide whether or not they're good eggs. First, they are at the very top of the pyramid of privilege. Second, they all live in very grand houses yet they do not know the meaning of the word "mortgage". Third, not a single one of them ever does an honest day's work. Oh yes, they get carted off in the most luxurious style possible, all at the taxpayers' expense, to foreign climes, where they wave unenthusiastically and condescendingly to "the natives", who were persuaded to buy cheap union jacks to wave back at them so that we can see on the news on the telly how "popular" the royals are. Fourth, Prince Charles is, by any standard you wish to apply, just about the biggest moronic buffoon in the nation. Yet he will most likely be our next "king". I mean, Jesus. Have we forgotten who he was shagging on his stag night fer chrissake? Not Diana, that's for sure! Finally, have you considered that, in order to visit their houses or lands, which were stolen from the people, you have to pay money? Money with her bloody face on it?