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Thread #157739   Message #3724925
Posted By: GUEST,Musket and his tuppence worth
20-Jul-15 - 02:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Queen Mother
Subject: RE: BS: Queen Mother
Fascinating debate. Some polarised views, some surprisingly reasonable either way.

In any event, the tabloid newspaper in question seems to have achieved what it set out to, judging by how some on here have extended the debate beyond a reflection of social attitudes in 1933. Bridge is unfortunately on the button by pointing out attitudes to the Nazis in that year. They had more in common with UKIP than Genghis Khan at that time in how newspapers reported life in Germany and Ribbentropp & co were fawning landed gentry by offering an alternative vision to communism.

On balance, I'm not sure this photo does anything to alter my opinions, as they are, on the role of a constitutional monarchy as a tool of democracy.

If The Queen Mother sympathised at that time, she certainly changed her attitude come the war, refusing to go to Canada for safety and touring bomb sites, trying in the only way royalty know, to kept spirits up. That in itself was a first for royalty.

Mind you Bridge, I have a nose for expensive wine myself but rather than set me off goose stepping or one of Michael's dances, I tend to sit giggling and farting after too much. Far more sociable.