The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157739   Message #3724972
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Jul-15 - 07:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Queen Mother
Subject: RE: BS: Queen Mother
"Britain was still reeling and destitute from the previous war, "
Britain was in a position to prevent German re-armament and to help prevent the rise of fascism - instead, it looked upon Germany as "the bulwark against Bolshevism"
" Indeed, it was the sort of thinking which fits with Britain's WWI Prime Minister, Lloyd
George's statement to the House the following year: " a very short time, perhaps in a
year, perhaps in two, the conservative elements in this country will be looking to
Germany as the bulwark against Communism in Europe........Do not let us be in a hurry
to condemn Germany. We shall be welcoming Germany as our friend." (Commons,
Nov,28, 1934"
"Thousands went from Britain to fight the fascists and they were not "criminalised.""
And thousands were.
My father returned from Spain, having been wounded and imprisoned, to find that he had received an MI5 record as "a premature anti-fascist"
He was an ordinary volunteer not an activist, not an officer - just an ordinary foot soldier whose only political activities had been confined to the demonstrations against Mosely's Blackshirts.
When he applied for work, he found he had been blacklisted on the instructions of a security agent who had visited his former employer.
When he applied for work, he found that his name had been circulated among potential employers in the area.
He ended up becoming a navvy - we saw little of him until he finally left the road - I was 9, my sister was 6.
"You do that by studying both and deciding which is the most plausible."
It appears that is what is happening in the press - the English Times, this morning reports the film as showing an "apparent Nazi salute" - there is no mention of a lip-reader nor any suggestion of another interpretation.
Even the right wing press - The Sun, the Mirror and the Telegraph, are treating the suggestion as inconclusive.
"Jim Carroll is having the vapours it seems!!!"
Bozo no Brain is apparently choosing to snipe from the undergrowth.
Jim Carroll