The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157739   Message #3725159
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Jul-15 - 04:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Queen Mother
Subject: RE: BS: Queen Mother
"Regarding some of the comments by Mr Carroll"
Why can't you people (particularly the anonymous ones) just respond to the points made rather than sniping from behind.
It's not as if you haven't been given an argument, yet you insist on all this ""Mr Carroll", shit - and now an attack on my long-dead parent, who had the bottle to stand up to fascism and, along with the rest of us, paid the price for it.
All a little squalid, don't you think, and only it only helps to convince that such people have no argument and need to hide behind personal invective
If you can show where I've ever "decried anybody for attaining a decent level of education", I'll happily "show my arse in Lewis's window", as we used to say in Liverpool.
I never have, I have commented on how that education has been squandered by the recipient - my comments have obviously hit their target.
Give yourself a break - if you can't be honest, be quiet.
In my old age, I'm quite proud of the part my family played in fighting fascism
They took to the streets in the thirties to protest against Mosely's Blackshirts, only to find that these thugs were defended, extremely violently, by the good-old British Bobby, often on horseback
My devout Catholic grandmother was jailed for throwing a stone at Mosely - the stone hit its mark and she always said "it was guided by the hand of God".
Quite proud that my father was recorded as being a "premature anti-fascist" (this was how they were recorded in the MI5 files - they wore it like a badge of honour)
Now - if Keith or any of you has anything more in defence of a British police state, let's have it - it's pissing with rain, so I'm not going to get much done outside today.
Jim Carroll