The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157753   Message #3725348
Posted By: Severn
21-Jul-15 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2015
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Recovery Ward 2015
Wow! I got quite a warmup before I even started! Traditionally, the Mudcat Recovery Ward has been a place to air out one's real ailments and then have them attempted to be cured by a mythical medical staff of our own invention, a staff that has grown over the years as needed.

Anyway, I had a spot on the back of my hand that was diagnosed as a Squamouse cell Carcinoma from the biopsy that should be easily removed, and there were some precancerous spots that should be taken care of with a cream. Nothing much to worry about, unlike past cancer and burns that had me join the Mudcat gang in here. How well do any of us really know the back of our hand, even some guys who claim to know it intimately?

'"Squaw Moose Cell"?, says my Canadian friend Gnu, who is in here to consult with his gnurologist.

"Yep.", I reply. "I'm going over to Dermitology to Dr. Lance Boyle's office to consult with and flirt with his lovely tatooed nurse, Tanya Hyde, and then I'll check out who else is still around.........