The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157771   Message #3725786
Posted By: Teribus
24-Jul-15 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: £3 paid?
Subject: RE: BS: £3 paid?
What had deregulation of the banks have to do with selling off the UK's Gold Reserves at bargain basement prices? What had deregulation of the banks have to do with raiding the national pension fund to create non-jobs in an attempt to buy votes?

Like every other Labour Government since the end of the Second World War Blair and Brown left the country in economic ruin. The last Coalition Government and the current Conservative Government made and are making not too poor a fist of getting the country back on an even keel.

"Respect Hugo Chavez"!!!!! The man who made it his life's work to turn an extremely rich oil based state into a basket case. Skarpi will tell you all about Iceland. Denmark's way of doing things would have most UK Trades Unionists reeling in horror and fighting every reform tooth and nail. Like all Scandinavian countries the basic tax rates are eye-wateringly painful, something that the whole population of the UK would no doubt welcome with open arms. Norway basic rate of tax is somewhere between 36% and 38% but everybody pays it - with a population of only 5 million and a system based on everyone having to have an easily traced Personnummer there is no escaping the taxman - now who was it that was against the introduction of a similar scheme based on ID Cards in the UK?