The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157771   Message #3725811
Posted By: Backwoodsman
24-Jul-15 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: £3 paid?
Subject: RE: BS: £3 paid?
"Remember - more didn't vote than voted for any party. Many of those did not vote Labour for the simple reason that Labour was conservative-lite."

Nonsense, delusional nonsense. They didn't vote Labour because the press, most of which is owned by the Tory barons, has carried out a smear-and-fear campaign for the past n years and, by their constant lies and mis-information, have succeeded in persuading the feeble-minded amongst former Labour voters that everything that led to the world-wide financial crash of 2008, and the resulting 'austerity' program of the Tories which hits the poorest hardest and continues to enrich the already-rich, was caused by Labour.

"Corbyn can retrieve many of them."

No he can't, for the reasons already stated above. Admirable though his manifesto is (I read it today), it's redolent of a hard lurch to the left which, thanks to the aforementioned lies and mis-information spread by the Tory gutter-press, MOR Labour voters are terrified of.

The only way Labour will return to power is by the Tories making a complete cluster-fuck of things and, even then, the power of the Tory press, and their willingness to lie and deceive, is such that they would probably still be able to persuade the brainwashed that such a clusterfuck was down to the Labour opposition.